Famine provides access to over 140M+ properties in multiple asset classes
Famine provides a one stop shop for neighborhood analysis, comps analysis, rent roll analysis, and so much more
Through our strategic decisions, were able to provide enterprise level access at a fraction of the cost
Our text to query engine allows you to get started right away by asking human questions, and getting powerful answers
Start with Neighborhood Analysis
Analyze local rent, recent listings, recent sales, price per sqft that typically costs $100's to access. Get complete data for an area instead of guessing.
Ask our Text 2 Query Engine What's On Your Mind
AI makes it easy to find answers and pull information that would otherwise take hours.
Understand Your Market at A Glance
Make the data work for you. Customize your dashboard so that you can immediately see the data you need.
Find Comparable Properties With a Single Click
Comparable properties are a Real Estate investors best friend. Each listing comes with 25 similar properties, measured by their correlation to various important metrics.
Run Mortgage Simulations and Profit and Loss Analysis
Famine AI finds comparable properties for you and ranks how closely they correlate. You'll know exactly what the mortgage will look like, what you can get for rent, and can fine tune the graphs and visuals for expenses, profitability, and more.
We are a lean and agile team. Our goal is to create your perfect product. Reach out to our team with a feature request and we'll get back to you within 24h